SOTB: Holiday edition ~ Brand Mix

Saturday, December 11, 2010

SOTB: Holiday edition

It's definitely time, if you haven't, to get into the holiday spirit. To help you out, here's some, mostly Xmas-themed items I've seen over the last couple of weeks.

1) Rudolph (You Don't Have To Put On The Red Light) mojochronic
Red light, red nose. Why, of course, they should be mashed together:

2) Merry Christmas from Grolsch: Grolsch
A video from Grolsch and the Swingtop Philharmonic Orchestra putting beer to music.

3) Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
The Hallelujah Chorus has been flashing up everywhere this year. This was the one that I saw first. Very high singer to bemused diner ratio:

4) Adam Sandler original Chanukah (Hanukkah) Song
Love the song, love the crowd signing along 

5) Narayanan Krishnan via Mary Slavin Wallace
Capturing the real spirit of the holidays: "What is the ultimate purpose of life? It's to give."

6) The Salvation Army goes all high tech
Small steps on the giving front. How about those red kettles? The kettles outside your grocery store now take plastic! Or, better yet, you can give online, right here, right now.

Donate here!
That's it! Back soon with more stories from the world of brand strategy and somewhat related topics. More thoughts and comments also available on Twitter (@martinjbishop).

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