Cultural development of the week: The first Cyberwar ~ Brand Mix

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cultural development of the week: The first Cyberwar

Hey, Amazon, I'm Cutting You Off #wikileaks by AdrielH on Flickr

An all-out cyberwar has broken out after WikiLeaks' publication of US diplomatic cables. Companies like Amazon, Mastercard and PayPal have been forced to take sides and are suffering the consequences. As I post, the Mastercard site is down. It has been targeted by Anonoymous and others following its decision to stop allowing WikiLeaks to accept MasterCard-branded products. Amazon, Paypal and Swiss Postfinance have also been targeted after cutting ties.

Those companies that choose to stick with Wikileaks face continuing government pressure and attacks from hackers siding with governments.

Freedom of Information vs. National Security?  Not a choice that business-oriented, non-politically-minded companies want to make or were imagining that they would ever have to make. No easy answer. No safe haven.

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