Good enough to share: The Grant McCracken edition ~ Brand Mix

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good enough to share: The Grant McCracken edition

Here's my weekly summary of interesting and entertaining posts and articles. This week's edition features a series of recent posts from Grant McCracken.

Grant estimates that he has written around 1.4 million words on his great blog: This Blog Sits at the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics. With such a vast collection, Grant has decided to put together a greatest hits compendium organized around the theme of "Branding Now."

These are some of the posts in the series:
1) Branding now, a brand blog compendium: An explanation and summary of the compendium
2) Brand strategy: Examples of branding as a lively art--from Shakespeare to Mr. Clean
3) Brand tactics: Successes and failures in new marketing tactics
4) Brands Behaving Well: Brands that found a way to capture the meanings that work best for the brand
5) Brands Behaving Badly: Brands that didn't

Meanwhile, at the other end of the wordcount spectrum, Tim Tyrell-Smith launched his first two blogs this week: Quixoting™ - A Quest for New Ideas and Spin Strategy™ - Intelligent Tools for Job Search. Both worth checking out.

See you next week for more branding stories.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, his own edition, now that's something to work for!

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