Six of the Best: Late Boxing Day edition ~ Brand Mix

Friday, December 26, 2008

Six of the Best: Late Boxing Day edition

Here's my summary of some of the interesting things I read or seen over the last couple of weeks.

1) Filling In The Gaps: Personality Types Lead People To Choose Certain Brands: ScienceDaily
"Why do Gap brand jeans appeal to people who seek intimacy in relationships? It may be a result of their upbringing. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, people's relationship styles can affect their brand choices." And later: "This research points out an interesting but counterintuitive finding: brand personality can be most useful for forging consumer-brand connections with consumers who tend to enjoy such deep connections in the interpersonal context."

2) What is viral marketing? Seth's Blog
I'm sure inspired by my own series (!), Seth defines viral marketing as "an idea that spreads--and an idea that while it is spreading actually helps market your business or cause."

3) Rules for Making a Good Impression: BusinessWeek
Seven rules, seven ways to show good manners at work. Not being habitually late for meetings didn't make the list, surprisingly. (via brandflakesforbreakfast)

4) Spotting the death of a trend: Fresh Peel
The appropriately-named Uggs are heading for the exit now that they are all the rage with the older, later adopters. Which will fall first: Uggs or Crocs?

5) Beware (be aware) of the Einstellung effect in 2009: a clear eye
A description of an experiment that shows that people are inclined to solve problems the same way they've always solved even when there's a better way. Tom Asaker warns us to make sure we try and solve the inevitable challenges of 2009 with a fresh eye.

6) Creatives grow better in the South West:

As one of of the YouTube commenters says: "watch the wire 'ere" is a nice line in what is a really great video and very appropriate for 2009, a year for creativity. (via Paul Isakson)

That's it. See you next week for more stories from the world of brand strategy.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while - thanks for these links. I sent a few them to a number of people that thought they might find them interesting. I really enjoy posts like these because they make my life easier, so I appreciate the legwork and thought that goes into them!

Martin Bishop said...

Thanks, Joy. I'm glad you're enjoying them.

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